Ryan and the Oscar

There's a new article about Ryan Gosling and the Oscars, Mark Olsen talks about the amazing interpretation of Ryan in Half Nelson, but he says that Ryan is a darkhorse between all the other actors, Ryan doesn't follow everyone's step, he shines by his own, it seems quite obvious that previous Oscar winners had a lot of promotion behind their backs. But there is a hope, because we know that Ryan Gosling deserves it more than anyone.
Wild cards in Oscar's deck
Five unlikely actors who could be joining the game.
By Mark Olsen , The Envelope. November 8, 2006
Five unlikely actors who could be joining the game.
By Mark Olsen , The Envelope. November 8, 2006
The outside man:
Ryan Gosling's performance in "Half Nelson" is arguably the year's best reviewed. Yet Gosling isn't at the top of many Oscar lists. He could probably be a bigger star — a leading-man, Hollywood-actor type. Rather, with performances such as his startlingly alive turn in "Half Nelson" as a drugged-out high school teacher taking tentative first steps toward changing his life, the actor is charting a path entirely his own.
" There is this idea in Hollywood," Gosling says, "and I've seen it work for people, where the unspoken rule is 'Do two for them and one for yourself.' And that's kind of considered a fact. I've never really found that to be true for me. I've gotten more opportunities out of working on things I believed in than I ever did on things that weren't special to me."Gosling is unabashedly direct as to why he has become so specific about the roles he'll take on.
"Listen, I've done a lot. I've been working since I was 12. I worked a long time without any freedom, where I was just selling ad space on TV and saying the lines I was supposed to say and trying to please people. And it took me a long time to get to a place were I felt I could work for myself and work for the experience."
Source: The Envelope.
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